T: 07884 497 744 E: katie@birthcare.co.uk

About Hypnobirthing

Why Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is a complete birth preparation course designed to reduce the fear of birth and release tension, giving you the confidence to feel excited about the birth of your baby. Hypnobirthing will teach you about the process of labour and birth, and equip you with evidence based research to inform your decisions throughout pregnancy and birth. This course will give you the tools you need to approach your birth with a sense of confidence and calmness to promote a positive experience that you will remember forever.


Benefits of Hypnobirthing

Hypnobirthing originated nearly 60 years ago when an obstetrician called Grantly Dick-Read concluded that fear and tension accounted for 95% of labour pain. Therefore if women were able to release their fears, and learn techniques to remain calm and relaxed, labour and birth would be a more comfortable and positive experience for both her and her baby.