T: 07884 497 744 E: katie@birthcare.co.uk


Katie is an amazing teacher and really helped us to understand what hypnobirthing really is and how to use it properly…

The KG hypnobirthing course for us has been an amazing and eye opening course. We had heard many mixed reviews about hypnobirthing but we knew from when we found out we were pregnant that we wanted the most natural and calm birth but I was also very fearful of what was to come as you always hear lots of peoples horror stories about what they went through so we decided to go down the path of a hypnobirthing course to see if it was for us. Katie has demonstrated that no matter what type of birth you will end up having hypnobirthing can work in any situation and helps you prepare for all outcomes. That in itself has been perfect for us because it means we have something fixed that we can use no matter what and also helps my partner have a role and helped him understand the different stages of labour.

Katie is an amazing teacher and really helped us to understand what hypnobirthing really is and how to use it properly. Katie is very calming in herself and extremely knowledgable which makes you feel at ease from the first class. We loved every minute (I miss my Thursday night classes as that’s when I found I had the best nights sleep) nothing is to much trouble and she answered all our questions and explained everything in depth. We have both come out the other side of this course feeling very confident and with all the tools we need to help us have the best calm birth we wanted. I also on a personal level feel very calm as I have found to be able to use parts of the hypnobirthing just in my day to day keeping me relaxed at 33 weeks pregnant a lot of people have commented that I seem very relaxed and in a very good mind space.

We would definitely recommend this course and also 100% recommend Katie as your teacher. We loved every minute of it. We are now looking forward to meeting our baby with no real fear of the labour and we have Katie to thank for that. We will keep you updated on our birth. 6 weeks to go.

Thanks for all you help Katie you really have helped us more than you will ever know, from the bottom of our hearts we cannot thank you enough.

Charlotte & Nick


Hypnobirthing with Katie has been amazing. From the start of the course she has been so attentive to us and patient whilst we have discovered and learnt about our birthing options and tried to relax with the breathing exercises! She has been in regular contact with us since we finished the course and as our DD draws nearer, asking how things are going and if we are still unsure about anything. Before we started the course we were unsure what to expect, however through Katie we have a clearer and better understanding of our birth, labour and most importantly our options and how to understand these within the birthing environment. My husband has gained a better understanding of labour, my needs and the role he can play when the time comes. It has brought us closer as parents to be, as we’ve realised the labour process isn’t just on me, but both of us as a team.

Abbi & Matt


Thanks Katie, Both Dave and I have found the course incredibly useful – for Dave he now feels able to be part of something positive, instead of seeing the traumatic medical ‘event’ he had in his head. For me I have gained a heap more confidence, acceptance and positivity. Just need to keep the work going now to reap the rewards! We are both more excited and looking forward to welcoming our baby into the world.

Gill & Dave


He’s such a sweet and calm baby. Hypno was so useful for affirmations in my head and for P to remind me too.

I was in so much pain with my back which I didn’t expect (expected pain all over or more on belly etc and that was all easy to deal with), and it completely threw me. So calmness wasn’t quite on the cards outwardly and I asked for an epidural in the end (didn’t happen on baby’s say so, he wasn’t going to let it and came out soon after!) But I still felt surprisingly calm inwardly which I don’t think I would have had it not been for the sessions and practice. It clearly paid off on baby too which is all I could ever wish for and we got the birth pretty much as we wanted and dealt easily with the couple of hiccups that occured so a really good experience overall and definitely not put off wanting more kids in the future 

K & P


I can’t recommend Katie’s hypno-birthing course enough!

I’m so happy to have met Katie and done the hypno-birthing course with her. Katie is a practicing midwife who is deeply passionate about making birth as safe and enjoyable as possible, whatever the circumstances. She’s extremely knowledgable and patient and has a great way of explaining things clearly and thoroughly. This course has given us real practical support as well as helped us develop emotional resilience.

Through the hypno-birthing course, she has given us both a much clearer sense of what to expect during labour, birth and beyond, and confidence to approach this exciting time with calmness and anticipation. Both my husband and I have learned and practiced skills to help us work together through the birth of our baby.

We had done the online antenatal course from the hospital but found it really only covered the bare basics with no chance to ask questions or get feedback or deeper info. Doing Katie’s course filled in gaps we never even knew existed, and has helped us to understand what’ll be happening in my body and with baby. Plus we now have great tools to use when in hospital for keeping a calm and nurturing environment and dealing with any interventions that are offered.

I’m feeling so much more reassured about giving birth now. Thank you, Katie!


I cannot recommend Hypnobirthing with Katie enough.

I’m yet to have my baby but I’m very close to my due date. Im usually quite a worrier and can be quiet anxious at times but throughout this pregnancy I have really surprised myself with how calm I have been and I really do attribute that to Katie’s calming influence.

We had Katie come to our house to teach us all about Hypnobirthing and birth in general and both myself and my partner thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and each time after Katie left we both felt positive, calm and excited about the birth of our baby.

We have continued to implement the relaxation tools Katie gave us and listen to her relaxation tracks daily. Now, I’ve never been one for getting on well with relaxation tracks and always find I can’t relax and they feel forced. I don’t know whether it’s Katie’s truly calming voice but I rarely make it to the end of one of her tracks without falling into a relaxing sleep! They have become an essential part of my day.

Katie is so lovely and leaves you feeling listened to, calm and empowered.


Katie was absolutely brilliant in both her approach to the course and her knowledge. My husband and I found the hypnobirthing course reassuring and really appreciated Katie’s expertise. The workbook is beautifully presented and contains so many useful stories, tips, reminders and information sections. Katie also sent us additional videos and information pertinent to our situation.

I am so grateful to Katie and would highly recommend her hypnobirthing course to anyone expecting their baby. S & C